
Building, agriculture, fisheries, forestry and manufacturing industries Taylor made custom and revalidation/refreshers first aid courses available

Pediatric Clinic Pediatric Clinic

WHO will benefit?  The individuals and team involved, contractor and clients. 

There is a legal requirement for work places to take all practical steps to provide first aid facilities (Health and Safety in Employment Regulations 1995) and to have procedures in place for dealing with emergencies (HSE Act, 1992). Education in rapid immediate first aid will make a difference to an individual’s outcome and can save a life, allowing time for the advance trauma medical teams to take over. Your individual actions will make a difference.

WHAT will you gain? Appropriate first aid, for your work environment, how to manage severe bleeding or amputation, how to deal with electric shock and environmental conditions. Also team building and self confidence.

WHEN  Is a good time for you to have a course? Anytime, the sooner the better.

WHERE?  Ideally your work environment either outside or inside. If that is not an option then a local venue will be provided.

WHY?  We all need first aid training in order to reduce pain and suffering of a casualty/casualties, to save lives if possible.

HOW? By having a first aid course that meets your requirements, courses which meet New Zealand Resuscitation level two guidelines and an instructor with experience and knowledge of trauma, casualty and first aid training.

Where to find us?

Christchurch, New Zealand
021 0480339