Psychological & Well being first aid.

The mind, related to the mental and emotional state of an individual & team


As part of my education as a trauma nurse we had training in PFA (Psychological First Aid).
PFA was implemented on a daily basis, the trauma to family’s and the team, for a team to function you need Psychological strategies and skills enabling the team or individual to recognise and react to the stresses and pressures that will effect individuals
The Health and Safety at Work Act is aware of this "health as physical and mental ", with more emphasis on the management of wellbeing and mental health.
I encompass PFA (Psychological First Aid) in my first aid courses as it is essential. Being part of a dynamic Coastguard team we are exposed to traumatic incidents, PFA keeps the team functioning in what can be very emotional events.
You need to understand and meet the requirements as set by law, it’s your responsibility to implement adequate training for you and your working environment.


Where to find us?

Christchurch, New Zealand
021 0480339